Amici Miei – Sardinian Cuisine

Brick Fired Oven Pizza topped with cheese olives pepper and zucchini eggplantRoma Pizza from Amici Miei


“Very good Italian food that thankfully has not been standardized to American tastes.”

“I am a frequent diner here and am never disappointed.”

“Excellent food and pleasant atmosphere! We love to go here.”

Our friends at Amici Miei Ristorante in Rockville, MD have become quite well known locally for their authentic Italian-Sardinian cuisine. And for a year now, they’ve been firing up their cherry red Neapolitan gas-fired oven, and we went to see how it has been going for them.

We hear the Aosta pizza, Andy’s Pizza, and Cagliari Pizza are among the most popular dishes served, and the Roma pizza holds it’s own as well. The chefs at Amici really seem to understand what it takes to make good, quality pizza: “It comes down to the dough and the oven”, says chef Roberto.

Although pizza is a staple, it’s the unique yet authentic Sardinian dishes that make people stay. The quality and freshness of the food stands out the most and raises Amici Miei above its competitors. Our oven no doubt played a role in this regard. We asked them what they enjoyed the most about our oven, and they mentioned how:

  • It’s easy to use.
  • It’s better not having to deal with ashes or firewood.
  • There’s no chimney to have to keep cleaning thanks to the Integrated Ventilation System.
  • And the oven is easy to start up and shut down throughout the day, allowing the chef to focus on their craft.

Amici Miei is an award-winning restaurant serving only the finest local and imported meat, fish, and produce. If you are searching for authentic Sardinian and Italian cuisine, this restaurant is definitely worth checking out!

Pizza cooking by a gas powered fire in a large neapolitan brick oven

Inside Amici Miei’s Brick Oven


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